Monday, August 17, 2009

Shattered Empires Update

And we’re back…

I have a few items of news that might be of interest to some of you out there:

For those who did not attend Origins and may not have heard, let me say this loud and clear <>:


You have no idea how many times I’ve been asked that. Hopefully this should clear up that misconception!

The world and story of Arcanis is far from over. There are still many, many tales to tell and the need for Champions to continue to fight the good fight and hold back the tide of night that threatens to engulf the people of the Known Lands is as critical as before.

Now I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but let me try and answer some of the most frequently asked ones:

Q: Is the game going to run on 3.x, 4th Edition, Witch Hunter, Pathfinder, etc?

A: No. For a variety of reasons, mainly that we wanted to design a system that truly complimented the world setting and accentuated the type game we wanted to present, we are developing our own system. The system for the Shattered Empires RPG will be quite different from any of the systems named above.

Q: So what’s the system like?

A: As noted above, we’re still in development, but 6 play tests of the Core Engine has been run and, while a few minor issues were found and quickly resolved, all the play-testers seemed to have enjoyed themselves and really liked what they saw.

Q: How do I get to playtest the new system?

A: Thank you, but the play tests beyond these initial ones will be done with a few groups already selected, many of them volunteers from our IK/IQ program. However, we hope to have a Quick Start rule set available for everyone in January 2010. This is your chance to run through the game as it stands at that moment and give us your feedback before the book goes to print. More on this as we get closer to January 2010.

Q: So is there going to be a “Living” Component to the game like Living Arcanis?

A: Yes, though we won’t be calling it “Living Arcanis” anymore. The good people at WotC allowed us to continue to use that label until the end of the first storyarc, for which we are grateful, as “Living” is their Trade Mark. Now that we are no longer affiliated (and haven’t been for a while) with the RPGA nor are we using the D&D system, we are going to re-brand into something else.

Eric suggested we call it the Arcanis Saga, though knowing that you, the ever-irascible player base, would start calling it @$$, we decided against that. Names like the Chronicles of Arcanis or the Legends of Arcanis have been bandied about, but no firm decision has been made.

The Campaign will be structured a bit differently as well. No more 6-year story arcs – my sanity couldn’t take another one. Instead, we are designing two or three year story arcs that should make it easier for new players who begin somewhere in the middle to get up to speed, as well as keeping the stories tighter and more focused on the plot at hand.

Each year, (which kicks off at Origins, btw) we will release a Campaign Guide for that year’s story arc. This book (about 96 – 128 pages) will give players and GMs focused insights as to the area we will be playing in as well as have new “crunch” that is unique to that area, (in the parlance of the old system, new Feats, Prestige Classes, spells, magic items, etc.).

I’ll have more information in the next update, but based upon a vote taken by the members of the LA_Talk Yahoo Group, the setting for the first year of the new campaign will be the First City and the Blessed Lands.

Q: What about the Elorii mods you promised?

A: Those are in the works, though they may be released a bit later than I had hoped as we really need to focus on the Core rulebook to make the deadline we have. They’ll be out as quickly as I can write them.

Q: Is the new campaign picking up where we left off?

A: No. The new campaign starts about 40 years after the end of the old one.

Q; So for those of us playing the longer-lived races, can we play them in the new campaign?

A: No, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, we will NOT have a conversion from the old system to the new. The two systems will be different enough that doing a complete conversion will be an exercise in futility and frustration.

To be clear, everyone will be making new Heroes to play in the new campaign.

Q: Will we be able to play all the old races?

A: Yes and No. When we created Arcanis for use with the D&D systems, there were many tropes that we had to take on. Many of these we managed to put enough of a twist so as to make them our own that they will be staying. Others are just baggage from that other game will be replaced with other, hopefully, more interesting races.

Q: So who’s staying and who’s going?

A: As of right now, the following races will be playable in the new Shattered Empires RPG: Humans, Vals, Dwarves, Elorii, Dark Kin, Ss’ressen and Gnomes.

Those that didn’t make the cut: Half-Orcs, Hobgoblins and Half-Hobgoblins. The niche that they used to fill will be replaced by other creatures.

Q: Does that mean that what happened before will no longer have taken place?

A: No, but in those few areas where these races were pivotal, that “history” will be changed to bring it in line with the original concept and flavor of Arcanis.

Well, I think I’ve covered all the basics. If I missed something, please let me know and I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

Thanks for sticking with us and know that everyone at PCI is working hard to make this new game and campaign better and bigger than the last one!


Henry Lopez

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finally Taking the Plunge

I resisted, honestly I did.

But the insidiousness that is this mass electronic Social Medium dragged me in like Pacino in GodFather III. It began innocently enough with a small entry on Facebook, which quickly blossomed into a hub of connecting with people I haven't seen or heard from in almost 30 years. Yes 30 - which means I'm somewhere in my 40's (do the math). After that it was just a matter of time before I finally took the plunge and started my own Blog.

In any case, I decided to start this Blog for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is promoting the new Shattered Empires Roleplaying Game, which we plan to release at Origins 2010. Having finally thrown off the shackles of 3.x Edition (thank you, WotC!), we (as in PCI) were left with a major decision to make - do we suffer the slings and arrows of a system that I just HATE writing for or do we take arms against a sea of Gamers and decide to just make a rule system that compliments rather than convolutes what Arcanis is and continues to be - an RPG centered around Epic Storytelling.

As many who know me can tell you, I can care less what "plus" your sword has - really, it is immaterial to me that you can do a bazillion points of damage on a crit, etc. What I like is a rousing story of sacrifice, tough decisions and victory gained by the skin of your teeth! I want people to walk away from a table after playing an Arcanis adventure and say, "Wow - that was great! Wouldn't that make a heck of a [movie, book, etc]."

So I'll be posting some of my thoughts and update you on our progress as we forge ahead and create the Core Rule and Settings book for the Shattered Empires RPG.

But will I only be discussing Arcanis and our other pride and joy, Witch Hunter: The Invisible World?

Nope. This Blog is called the Musing of a Coryani Centurion and I, your old Coryani Centurion, will be delving into my other hobbies and passions - books, movies and even the occasional TV show. Now, I'll be fair and up front with you - I like Sci-Fi, Fantasy and a well thought out psychological thriller. I have never and will never watch and discuss something like "Confessions of a Shopoholic" or [shudder] "Sex in the City".

Yes, you guessed it - I am a Geek. And I proudly, proudly I say (in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice) wear my Geek badge for all to see. As I told a very attractive paralegal a couple of weeks ago "My Geek-dom knows no bounds". (It helped that she was a bit of a Geek herself, but I digress).

So what will you see here? Honestly, whatever I feel like writing about. As most of my friends and colleagues can tell you, I write a lot - for work and for PCI, so whatever I write here are things that I wish to share with others or want to exorcise from my psyche.

So I hope you enjoy these musings - your Old Coryani Centurion will try and make them as entertaining as possible.

And if you have no clue what a Coryani Centurion is, Google it, or better yet, go to our website and discover the rich and wonderful world we created. (