Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finally Taking the Plunge

I resisted, honestly I did.

But the insidiousness that is this mass electronic Social Medium dragged me in like Pacino in GodFather III. It began innocently enough with a small entry on Facebook, which quickly blossomed into a hub of connecting with people I haven't seen or heard from in almost 30 years. Yes 30 - which means I'm somewhere in my 40's (do the math). After that it was just a matter of time before I finally took the plunge and started my own Blog.

In any case, I decided to start this Blog for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is promoting the new Shattered Empires Roleplaying Game, which we plan to release at Origins 2010. Having finally thrown off the shackles of 3.x Edition (thank you, WotC!), we (as in PCI) were left with a major decision to make - do we suffer the slings and arrows of a system that I just HATE writing for or do we take arms against a sea of Gamers and decide to just make a rule system that compliments rather than convolutes what Arcanis is and continues to be - an RPG centered around Epic Storytelling.

As many who know me can tell you, I can care less what "plus" your sword has - really, it is immaterial to me that you can do a bazillion points of damage on a crit, etc. What I like is a rousing story of sacrifice, tough decisions and victory gained by the skin of your teeth! I want people to walk away from a table after playing an Arcanis adventure and say, "Wow - that was great! Wouldn't that make a heck of a [movie, book, etc]."

So I'll be posting some of my thoughts and update you on our progress as we forge ahead and create the Core Rule and Settings book for the Shattered Empires RPG.

But will I only be discussing Arcanis and our other pride and joy, Witch Hunter: The Invisible World?

Nope. This Blog is called the Musing of a Coryani Centurion and I, your old Coryani Centurion, will be delving into my other hobbies and passions - books, movies and even the occasional TV show. Now, I'll be fair and up front with you - I like Sci-Fi, Fantasy and a well thought out psychological thriller. I have never and will never watch and discuss something like "Confessions of a Shopoholic" or [shudder] "Sex in the City".

Yes, you guessed it - I am a Geek. And I proudly, proudly I say (in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice) wear my Geek badge for all to see. As I told a very attractive paralegal a couple of weeks ago "My Geek-dom knows no bounds". (It helped that she was a bit of a Geek herself, but I digress).

So what will you see here? Honestly, whatever I feel like writing about. As most of my friends and colleagues can tell you, I write a lot - for work and for PCI, so whatever I write here are things that I wish to share with others or want to exorcise from my psyche.

So I hope you enjoy these musings - your Old Coryani Centurion will try and make them as entertaining as possible.

And if you have no clue what a Coryani Centurion is, Google it, or better yet, go to our website and discover the rich and wonderful world we created. (

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