Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Art for the Shattered Empires RPG

Hello everyone,

Work continues apace on the Shattered Empires RPG and the latest news is that we're shooting for a full color book. For me, it's a big thrill to see some of my creations in full color and I couldn't have asked for a better artist - Pat Loboyko.

Pat has been a long time artist for us and I was thrilled that he accepted the commission to do a whopping 50 pieces of color art for us. The first batch that he's working on is illustrating the 13 main Val families. Pat's over halfway done with them, so Ive decided to give all of you (all 4 of you!) that follow this Blog a sneak peek.

So without further ado, here are the val'Tensen:

I have Pete working on making each of these illustrations into downloadable Wallpapers for your PC, so keep an eye out on our main website (www.paradigmconcepts.com) for them.


Henry Loepz


  1. Henry, looks great. Glad to hear you are still hard at work with the new RPG. Can't wait to see more of Pat's work and read more of your musings!

  2. as good as this is i hope that this is the worst.
